Bitcoin of America is a popular virtual currency exchange registered as a money services business with the U.S. Treasury Department (FinCEN) (RegNum). Besides guaranteeing fast and hassle-free transactions, it is also known for its customer support. The popular BTM operator continues to expand rapidly in 2022. This year, Bitcoin of America made several updates and service improvements that may have led to their rapid expansion.
Bitcoin of America has seen a significant increase in BTM locations; in March, the company had about 1,800 locations. To date, Bitcoin of America has over 2,500 Bitcoin ATM locations for customers to purchase Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Shibai.
In March, Bitcoin of America announced the latest addition to theirmachines. They announced the newest addition to theirBitcoin ATM
machines (BTM). They announced that Dogecoin is now available at Bitcoin of America ATM locations; Dogecoin was not the only coin added this year; in April, Shiba Inu was added to Bitcoin of America locations. Bitcoin of America realized the importance of offering a wide range of different cryptocurrencies and decided it was time to make an addition.
In May, this popular operator announced the launch of an all-new modern website design featuring their services.Bitcoin of America made an update to their website in
anticipation, and the new design was a great addition to their website.
It has updated their website in hopes of better serving their customers and providing a more user-friendly experience. Their new website is known to be fast and easy to navigate while incorporating their brand.
Bitcoin of America has also updated their blog design. The new blog features a variety of categories popular in the cryptocurrency industry. It is an easy way for customers to stay on top of the latest news about cryptocurrencies and the company. Bitcoin of America is also working on publishing a newsletter to which customers can subscribe. Their goal is to provide their customers with the best experience and keep them informed about any updates to their services.
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