On June 5, 2022, an entrepreneur and activist known as Kim Dotcom published a post on Twitter that he said “may be the most important thread” on the global cataclysm. In that thread, Dotcom specifically focused on the U.S. economy, claiming that “America is beyond bankrupt.” Dotcom also discussed the topic of the “Great Reset” and how the “New World Order” aims to “transition to a new dystopian future where elites are slave masters without the cosmetics of democracy.”
Kim Dotcom dissected the U.S. economy, saying that U.S. government “spending and debt have gotten out of control”
On Sunday, digital entrepreneurKim Dotcomtook to Twitter to discuss the great global collapse. Dotcom has not been very optimistic about the global economy over the past few years,22 and a Twitter threadpublished this past weekend further illustrates that belief. The thread dissects the U.S. economy in particular, explaining that Dotcom believes it is being planned by the global elite.
“The U.S. has had neither a surplus nor a balanced budget since 2001,” Dotcom writes“In the past 50 years, the U.S. has only had gains in [4] years. In fact, all the profits the U.S. has had would not be enough to pay for [6] months of the current annual deficit. So how did the U.S. pay for it? U.S. spending and debt are out of control, and [the government] can only raise the money it needs by printing it.” Sharing an image of the Fed’s M1 money supply chart, Dotcomcontinues:
That causes inflation. It’s like being taxed extra because you pay more for what you need, and the value of all your assets goes down.
Dotcom warns of “mass poverty and new management systems”
As former CEO of the now-defunct file hosting service Megaupload, Tesla’s Elon Musk says he has a “super bad feeling” about the U.S. economy, and JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon recently warned about the possibility of an economic hurricane coming He is not alone in predicting rough times. Trend forecaster Gerald Celente recently explained that if the war continues in Europe, the odds of a recession will increase.
Gold bug and economist Peter Schiff warns his followers that a U.S. recession will be “much worse than the ‘Great Recession.'” Digital Entrepreneur.com holds a similar view, claiming in a thread that breaks down the national debt and the Fed’s monetary expansion to argue that the U.S. is broke.
Dotcom stressed that the US has been able to avoid bankruptcy for so long because the US dollar is the world’s reserve currency.” “Every country holds the U.S. dollar as a safe asset,” Dotcomsaid. “So when the U.S. (government) prints trillions, it is robbing Americans and the whole world. It is the greatest theft in history.”
He added that the problem is that it has been going on for decades, eventually leading to “mass poverty and new management systems.” Dotcom continues with calculations tied toproving that “this is not just a pessimistic story. Dotcom continued to prove that “this is not just a pessimistic story” by doing calculations tied to the U.S. unfunded liabilitiesand the country’s total assets
Dotcom said that even if the U.S. could sell all of its assets at current market rates, it would still go bankrupt. He opined that “the U.S. is beyond bankruptcy – this patient is already dead – this patient is now a zombie”. After explaining how he believes the country is broke today, Dotcomwroteabout why he believes that reality will not change and that “collapse is inevitable and coming.” Following that statement, Dotcom spoke about the “Great Reset” theory, which Bitcoin.com News covered in detail.
“You may have heard about the ‘Great Reset’ or the ‘New World Order’.” Dotcom said“It’s a controlled dismantling of the world market, the economy, and the world as we know it. A shift to a new dystopian future where the elite are slave masters without the cosmetics of democracy.” Dotcom concludes his Twitter thread withand states:
Without controlled dismantling, the world will collapse for everyone, including the elite. The world has changed so much that nothing seems to make sense anymore. Overt corruption is out in the open, obvious propaganda media, and erosion of our rights. What will the end result be?
The topic of the “Great Reset” has been called a “conspiracy theory”. It is called a “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media because some believe it is a conspiracy to develop a totalitarianone-world government policycalled the “New World Order”. Often referred to as the “New World Order, “74} it is believed that certain global crises such as
Covid19″,75 certain global crises such as climate change (77) and the Ukraine-Russia war (76) are believed to be exploited. Many subjects have been used to establish a new dystopian future, such as. Others believe that the “Great Reset” is a reality and, contrary to theory, a path to sustained recovery from what cobid19 and environmental activists call the climate crisis.
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