After being released from prison, Martin Shkreli, a former hedge fund manager and convicted felon, was released from federal prison on a cryptocurrency and decentralized exchange (dex) platform. described his use of Uniswap. The so-called “pharma-bro” went on to explain that cryptocurrencies could eventually dislodge some of the biggest banking giants.
Martin Shkreli Talks About Defies and Cryptocurrencies
Martin Shkreli was released early from prison and is now in a rehabilitation center in New York City. Shkreli’s federal prison sentence ended in September, but as soon as he got out of prison, he spoke up on his social media accounts: on Facebook, Shkreli joked that getting out of prison was “easier than getting out of Twitter prison.”
Shkreli is a former hedge fund manager who notoriously bought a license for a drug called Daraprim. It wasn’t that Shkreli’s company Turing bought the drug, it was that the company raised the price of the drug from $13.50 to $750 per pill in 2015.
Shkreli also has an interesting personality profile and is known as a very sassy person. The so-called “Pharma Bro” was eventually convicted of securities fraud in a case that had nothing to do with the Daraprim price hike. Shkreli also famously bought an unreleased Wu-Tang Clan album, which was confiscated from him after his conviction for securities fraud.
The art collective Non-Fundable Token (NFT) eventually purchased the unreleased Wu-Tang Clan record for $4 million. Shkreli was sentenced to seven years in prison for this crime, but was released early after undergoing a reduced sentence and good behavior program.
On Saturday, during a Twitter post, the former hedge fund manager appeared to go from so-called “pharma-bro” to “crypto-bro. “Shkreli also used the decentralized exchange (dex) platform Uniswap from prison. He said.
“Uniswap is really cool. I started using Uniswap in prison,” Shkreli told Twitter Spaces.Shkreli seems to be a sincere believer in the crypto-ecosystem and decentralized finance (defi). The convicted felon said.
I don’t think [Defi] is at the limit of where he can go. I think we’re going to see more and more financial instruments end up in defi … Eventually we’re going to see some cryptocurrency institutions become bigger than the banking giants.
Shkreli talks about the dominance of bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and Algoland
Shkreli comments thatBTC’sdominance may be “eaten away” and that entrepreneurs should also have their own coins, with companies like Apple and Tesla.” Shkreli notes that “a lot can be done with decentralized financing. AppleCoin and TeslaCoin should obviously exist,” he added.
Mr. Shkreli also talked about blockchain networks such as Solana and Algoland. Ethereum is one of the competitors that could disruptthe dominance of BTC, stressed Shkreli in a talk.” Shkreli explained that “given the potential uses of ethereum, it’s hard not to let that happen.”
The former hedge fund manager likes to tell people what he does, and he had no problem telling his fans about how he used Uniswap in prison.Uniswap founder Hayden Adams said that the topic of Twitter Spaces discussed Shkreli after it became a social media trend.” Would Shkreli still like Uniswap if he knew I was listening to that [Wu-Tang Clan] album I had just recently bought?” Adams said,
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