Press Release
Press Release Crypto investors have access to a wide range of investment techniques, including short- and long-term trading, asset management and automated investing. Because investors differ from one another in terms of risk appetite and expected returns, it is critical to identify an investment strategy that fits their unique situation. For crypto novices and cautious investors, “lazy” investment strategies such as automatic investing are always a good choice.
So what is auto-investing?
Autoinvesting is the automatic investment of a fixed amount of money in a fixed cycle. This investment method consists of two important elements: a fixed cycle and a fixed amount. The former refers to investing at regular intervals, while the latter represents a pre-set amount of money to be used to purchase an investment each time. There are various methods of autoinvesting, but the simplest is to invest a fixed amount at fixed intervals. When employing this method, the investor needs to define three parameters: investment price, investment time, and investment amount. Specifically, the investment price helps the investor control the risk of the crypto project, and investors set different investment prices based on their own risk tolerance and expectations.
Overall, automated investing is a defensive investment strategy especially suitable for cautious investors and crypto novices. Because crypto exchanges calculate crypto prices and returns differently, autoinvest may be a better choice for novice investors seeking to invest in crypto projects over the long term.
For the prudent investor, auto-investing has multiple entry/exit points, so the cost is spread out by buying crypto at regular intervals. From a long-term investment perspective, automated investing lowers investment costs, spreads risk, and eliminates the investor’s need to analyze entry points and purchase prices. It also eliminates the need to adjust long-term investment plans due to short-term market fluctuations.
In February 2023, CoinEx, a world-renowned crypto exchange, introduced a new feature called Auto Invest Plan to make it easier for users to invest in crypto.
Aimed at making crypto investing easier, the CoinEx Auto Invest Plan is a crypto trading strategy that helps users accumulate crypto automatically through pre-set investments and regular cycles. The most prominent feature of this new feature is that users can easily select the appropriate trading strategy and benefit from regular crypto investments in predefined amounts and cycles without having to worry about specific timing.
In addition, the CoinEx Automated Investment Plan has two highlights.
First, in an easy-to-use procedure, the CoinEx Auto Invest Plan is designed to help users use idle funds to buy crypto through an automated investment plan. With this new feature, CoinEx users simply enter the amount and cycle and do not have to worry about specific timing. In this way, the CoinEx automated investment plan allows investors to accumulate assets on a regular basis while spreading costs and spreading risk.
Second, CoinEx automated investment plans are characterized by their ease of operation: with CoinEx, all one has to do is create a plan and set the parameters, and the investment is automatically made according to a predetermined amount and cycle, thus minimizing manual intervention.
So how do you create an automated investment plan with CoinEx?
1. Go to the official CoinEx website (, log into your account, select “Strategic Trading” in “Finance” on the top navigation bar,
- From the Strategic Trading web page, find “Automatic Investment Plans” and click “Create Strategy”;
3. Select a market, set the “Repeat Cycle”, “Repeat in Local Time”, “Investment Amount per Cycle”, etc., and create your strategy. Click [Create]-[Confirm] to create an automated investment plan.
CoinEx allows investors to create an automated investment plan in three easy steps. According to the exchange’s official website, CoinEx allows users to create multiple trading strategies, including automated investment plans and spot grids, with up to 20 active (including stops) strategies per CoinEx user.
CoinEx Autoinvest currently features 10 markets, namelyBTC/USDT, ETH/USDTSOL/USDTMATIC/ USDTFTM/USDT, XRP/USDT
, ADA/ ADA /USDTDOGE/ USDTand SHIB/USDTand new markets will be added in the future. In addition, the exchange is preparing to launch Spot Grid, an exciting feature for crypto investors, according to an official announcement.
Disclaimer: Article does not provide financial advice. Investors should rely on their own insight when investing in crypto.
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