Hackers Attack Domain Registrar Namecheap; Flood of DHL and Metamask Phishing Emails Follow

Sunday, February 12, 2023, domain The email account of registrar Namecheap has been compromised by a hacker. A number of individuals subsequently received phishing emails claiming to be from Metamask and DHL. These emails were sent from the email platform Sendgrid, a service used by Namecheap for marketing communications.

Namecheap confirms compromised email accounts, disables Sendgrid service

Multiple reports say Namecheap was compromised on Sunday and Namecheap’s CEO Richard Kirkendall agreed to a compromise, saying the company disabled the Sendgrid service. “To be clear, the issue was within the third-party provider we use to send the newsletter,” Kirkendall tweeted. “Neither our own systems nor customer accounts were compromised. We have sent a follow-up email to all affected users, and the domain that was linked in the original phishing email has also been deactivated.”

Who Investigated Emails Sent The link led to a phishing campaign that sought to steal personal information from users. For example, Metamask emails led to fake websites and attempted to trick users into entering a mnemonic recovery phrase. Metamask also tweeted about Namecheap’s email, telling recipients to ignore the message. “Metamask does not collect his KYC information nor email him about his account,” the company tweeted. Web3 Wallet Company added:

Don’t enter your Secret Recovery Phrase on their website. If you receive an email today from something like Metamask or Namecheap, ignore it & DO NOT CLICK ON THAT LINK!

Phishing attacks have become commonplace in recent years. , hackers use a variety of methods to access people’s personal information. According to reports, the DHL phishing email aims to provide users with an invoice to force them to enter their payment information to resolve the fake issue. If users provide information such as mnemonic recovery phrases and other financial information, hackers can drain funds from their accounts.

According to Beehive Cybersecurity, Namecheap’s team his members are responsible for this. We took immediate action to resolve the issue. “When we ourselves notified his Namecheap of this, we would like to assure you that they acted quickly and took it seriously,” he tweeted Beehive Cybersecurity. . “This is the A game you’d expect from a registrar.”

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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