Sony Files Patent to Use NFT Tech for Keeping Track of in-Game Digital Assets; Introduces Moments Market

Electronics giant Sony explains how to use We have applied for a patent to NFT (Non-Fungible Token) and blockchain technology for tracking the history of in-game digital assets. The filing describes the use of this technology to record the story of changes and ownership of digital assets from specific games.

Sony uses blockchain to

Sony has filed for patents to track in-game items using NFTs and distributed ledger technology to record movements and track digital assets in games. changes received. Introduced in July 2021, a submission titled “Using Tokens on a Distributed Ledger to Track Unique In-Game Digital Assets,” will allow tokens to be used to track the history of each of these assets in a given environment. It describes a system that creates

According to the description, each action the player performs on an item is tracked, including any trades or changes to its structure. In this way, the company can gather information about what actions players perform more often on which items and how often.

The patent also refers to “video game digital media assets, such as video clips and images, that represent moments of video game gameplay,” allowing users to create their own NFT Moments. We have introduced the possibility to trade with These will also be tracked by the proposed system.

NFT Moments Marketplace

These Moments created from in-game videos or images are treated as media products and consists of elements. Interactions that can be classified according to rarity. For example, filings explain that videos of important tournaments or moments of achievement may be sold and will be assigned a classification according to an AI-based system.

The patent was introduced last year, but the company has yet to report on the use of this or a similar system and has yet to launch the aforementioned moment market.

Games The use of NFTs in applications is perceived negatively by some sections of the gaming community, criticizing NFTs for several reasons, including energy waste and sustainability concerns. However, Sony has previously partnered with other companies to use NFTs. In May, the company partnered with Theta Labs to showcase the potential of his SDR tablet using 3D NFTs.

Sony has also filed a patent in May 2021 that will allow Bitcoin betting on the PlayStation series of consoles.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Tada Images /

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