World’s Largest NFT Marketplace Opensea Reveals Drop Improvements, Arbitrum L2 Support

Opensea, the largest non-friable token (NFT) marketplace by sales volume, has announced a new “immersive and secure casting experience” by giving NFT creators “a dedicated drop page and the ability to introduce higher discoverability collections” on Opensea’s new homepage. The company unveiled a new “immersive and secure minting experience” by giving NFT creators the ability to showcase their “collections with more discoverability” on the company’s new homepage. The company also announced on Tuesday that the NFT Marketplace will soon support the layer 2 (L2) protocol Arbitrum.

Opensea Announces NFT Drop Improvements and Arbitrum L2 Support

Opensea has made various changes and just recently relaunched its NFT marketplace homepageThe NFT marketplace is the largest NFT platform by sales volume, as statistics show that Opensea settled23} On September 19, the company announced that the marketplace would be adding new features aimed at providing a new drop experience that is “easier, safer, and more immersive.” Essentially, Opensea has added three new features.

Additionally, Opensea hasclarifiedthat the NFT marketplace will supportArbitrum (Arbitrum)and revealed that it will supportwhich is an Ethereum-compatible layer 2 (L2) blockchain network, and revealed that it will support

Arbitrum.” We are excited to share that Oppensea will soon support Arbitrum.” Oppensea said on Tuesday.” This is the first step in building on our goal of a Web3 future where people can access the NFTs they want on the chain they prefer,” the company added.

On September 21, Openpensea will begin supporting Arbitrum, and once launched, “creators will need to find collections on Openpensea and set up creator fees directly,” Openpensea explained. Oppensea is opening up to the new blockchain, just as the marketplace has already been integrated into Polygon and Solana.

Just recently, NFT Marketplace competitorRaribleannounced aintegrationwithImmutable X (Immutable X), which is a new blockchain that will be integrated into the NFT Marketplace. This is another L2 scaling initiative compatible with Ethereum; the latest addition to Opensea follows the move to Seaport, an open source Web3 marketplace protocol.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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